Families in a step chain


A series of books for children by Ann Bryant (published by Coach House Publications) 



All over the country, children go to stay with step-parents, stepbrothers and stepsisters at the weekends. It's just like an endless chain. A step-chain... A series of books for children from award winning author Ann Bryan who has even kindly agreed to sign copies of her book!


Buy direct from Ann  (through her contact page)

One Mum's Enough


One Mum's Enough is the first link in this step chain...


I'm Sarah, and my parents are separated. Not for much longer, if I have my way. Why should I have to stay with her and her 'perfect' daughters whenever I want to see my dad?


Girls Mean Trouble


Girls Mean Trouble is the second link in this step-chain...


I'm Ollie. My parents split up a while ago, and my brother and I live with Mum and Peter, my stepdad. He's more laid back than my real dad, so going on a holiday with him should be fun. Except that Peter's daughters are coming along, too. Girls! I just know there'll be trouble...


She's No Angel


She's No Angel is the third link in this step-chain...


I'm Lissie, and I live with my dad. Usually, I see Mum and her new family every other weekend, but now I've got to stay with them for two weeks because Dad's on holiday. You'd think I'd enjoy spending time with Mum, but it's a nightmare. My bratty stepsister is setting me up as a monster and Mum just won't listen!


Little Miss Perfect


Little Miss Perfect is the fourth link in this step-chain...


I'm Becca. Mum and I have been by ourselves for a while, but now Mum has a boyfriend. I'm pleased she's happy with Patrick. There's just one problem: she wants me to meet his daughter, Lissie. I wouldn't mind except that Mum makes out that Lissie is perfect in every way. How can I compete with that?


Get Me Out


Get Me Out is the fifth link in this step-chain...


I'm Ed. I live in a madhouse. Believe me, it's true! What with the twins playing their pretend games, Alice screaming and Phoebe hassling me, I don't get a moments's peace. In fact things have got so bad I think I might go and live at Mum's. That will show them all. But is is what I really want? Life's a bummer!


Losing My Identity


Losing My Identity is the sixth link in this step-chain...


I'm Ryan and I'm not impressed. My stepbrother Joss is coming to live here. Mum thinks I should be fine about this, she thinks we're best mates. She's got it all wrong! He mocks me and tests me and makes my life a misery. But nobody listens or cares. I've got to face up to him before he gets us both in big trouble...